Five things this week…

​1) Nothing. Absolutely Nada. 

Its been a long, mentally exhausting, work week. I’ve learned nothing except anger and frustration leads to not so nice consequences on your health. Which, of course, I already knew. 

How has your week been? You make it through unscathed? 

A Little Less Fluff

Monday pity party…

​Gather round! Gather round! And let us rejoice in the shittyness that is a Monday! 

I have had a really crappy day at work. I mean just reeaallyy crappy. I woke up this morning and immediately just needed to close my eyes again. That’s how I know. That’s how I know my day, work and otherwise, is going to be straight out crap. No amount of coffee is going to spare me from the misery that is this particular Monday. 

Strangely enough, I do find that sometimes (believe it or not) this doesn’t always happen on a Monday. I know right? Surely there can’t actually be such a thing as a decent Monday? Sometimes ladies & gentlemen, there is. Its rare, but there is. Because sometimes the shittyness likes to vary its days to perhaps an unsuspecting Tuesday or a wind down Thursday. But rest assured its favourite will always be a Monday. 

I soldiered through today and came out a survivor. I’m tired. Bone tired. And yes, its only Monday. My levels of exhaustion has been peaking lately. I need to get back to my base line. And probably get another script for those B12’s which I have been neglecting to do. For the last couple of months. 😱 Same way I have been neglecting to reschedule my specialist appointment. I reckon he won’t be pleased when I do eventually reschedule. 😰

In any case, enough rambling. 

Wishing you all a great week ahead! 

A Little Less Fluff

Five Things This Week…

1) The twins have a hectic weekly schedule this year, which ultimately means that by a Friday (in between me being a working mom) I’m dead.
2) Seeing someone you know deal with losing a parent is painful. Does not matter how old you are, it is just painful. And makes you even more grateful to have yours still with you.

3) In a working environment there will always be people who do not get along. And somehow you’re stuck in the middle.

4) Might sound ‘old fashioned’ but keeping a diary to stay on top of things is fantastic. (I keep two. One for work and one for home. Call it what you want, I call it not losing my shit)

5) I need another holiday.

Have an awesome weekend lovelies.

A Little Less Fluff

OK, seriously…

​Parents, let’s get real here for a second. Let’s just get real and discuss the issue like the adults we are. Or supposed to be. 


What’s the deal hmm? Is it just me or are they piling the kids pretty strongly these days? I’m not saying I have just noticed it, I’ve actually been debating this for the last two years (mostly with myself and the Hubs). If I can recall (which is sometimes hard), we really didn’t have THIS much homework everyday when we were at school? Especially not at 8 years old! Besides that fact, it is also repetitive homework. What is the deal here? 

I actually recently saw a video comparing kids from Finland vs United States regarding homework. Interesting indeed. Did you know that Finland has the best education system in the world? I repeat, the world! I duly went and googled this to see exactly what the hype was about. I was not disappointed. I am most certainly not advocating that there should be a no homework system etc etc, but do yourself a favour and google “Finnish Education System”. Watch the vids on YouTube. And yes, I know I am comparing apples and pears here, but it is still damn interesting.

Like I said I am not advocating anything, it is just amazing the results Finland is getting with the changes they have made over the years regarding their education system. Percentages/rankings in Math and Science, for example, for Finnish students are one of the top in the world. Its amazing to see. Would that sort of system work here in South Africa? I honestly can’t say. There would be a tonne of work to do first. 

Aaannyyyways, in between classroom work and extra curricular activities, there is homework Mon – Fri. It is exhausting for kids who aren’t even a whole 2 digits old yet. I feel for them. My two are troopers through it all though. But I know there are those parents out there who struggle daily. And its not easy. What are your thoughts on this? Would love to hear.

Until next time

A Little Less Fluff

Let’s give it another go shall we?

​Happy New Year!

So here we are in 2017 and I have decided that maybe I should start with the blog again. For a whole minute I debated on starting a whole new blog, but no, my old faithful shall remain and shall continue to provide me the joy it always has. I feel at home here (no matter how long I have been away). So this is me, dusting off the cobwebs of A Little Less Fluff and letting in the fresh air. Of course, all the while attempting to write blog posts. 

Naturally the posts will be as they always have been: life, kids etc so I reckon a bit of an update is needed:

The twins are now a whole 8 years old and growing into some decent little humans if I do say so myself. Grade 3 will be hectic this year but they are tough and smart and will get through it. N is taking ballet twice a week and A is taking cricket once a week. In between the hectic homework and for the first time this year doing actual exams, its going to be interesting to say the least. I am trying to balance work and their growing schedules through this all important time for them. I know it becomes even more hectic as the years go by but I am managing to so far hold it together. ☺ 

Work has had its ups and downs but so far I have not wanted to retreat and run for the hills yet. I reckon I am doing OK. All be it that I am kind of scouting the market. Be that as it may, I still give my very best every day. Its hard at times when you’re permanently exhausted all the time, but I have made it through. 

Health wise things have been ok. 2016 had me in for yet another endometriosis related op. I hope 2017 has the foresight to just give me a damn break with that. Blessed that even though its early in the year, I have not had any probs since last op. I have a better grasp of life currently and feel a little more in control. Have to write things down to keep myself reminded of “to do’s” but if that’s what keeps me sane then so be it. It works for me. 

Right, I think we’re all caught up. That is the baseline update. Just to make sure you’re all with me. 😉 How have you all been? 

I will be back again soon. 


Go Home School, You’re Drunk…

I think my kids’ school is trying to make me look stupid. Or mind fuck me. One of the two. Because either I am completely inept in reading notices etc that they send or they forget what it is they put in their damn notices to begin with. I’m not one to complain (I lie, I complain a lot (have you read this blog?), about a lot of things, but I digress…) but surely if they put something in one of the letters they send home regarding clothing or an event etc, this is, by rights what is supposed to happen right? RIGHT??

Let me paint the picture for you:  the kids started school this week again after a week school holiday. At the end of term they receive a calendar and notice regarding the new term etc. Sport start up being one of them…
Last night, it being a Tuesday, (at bed time, because clearly any other time from when I come home from work is just not appropriate) my Son says to me “Mommy, we must wear sports uniform tomorrow, since we have sport”. I smile, thinking ‘Oh dear, he has again mixed up his weeks’. I duly respond “no hun, sport only starts next week remember?” He then protests “No no! We have to. Teacher (I will not use her name) says we must wear since we are doing sport tomorrow!” He always has sport on a Wednesday. I was about to say…’your sister did not have sport today’ (since her sport day is on a Tuesday) when piping up from her room my Daughter says “We did sport today! It wasn’t fun in my school uniform!”
Calmly (or as calm as I could be inbetween deep breaths) I indicated that fine, he would wear it the next day. Anything to get them to go to sleep at this stage.  I said goodnight and that was that. 

No. It. Was. Not.
Leave it to two nearly 7 year old’s to make you think you are losing your shit. I duly then went to look at the damn calendar. And there, in bold no less, it states “Sports Resumes” from Monday 19 October. I breathed a sigh of relief. Because firstly I wasn’t going completely bat shit crazy (again) and second the School was clearly having a senior moment. 

What really gets me though is the fact that this is not the first time I have engaged with my kids (to the point of them nearly being in tears) as to what they are told in class to tell us versus what is on a notice sent from said school. And if plans had changed then surely another notice or a note in their homework books would have sufficed? The kids are in Grade 1 for heaven’s sake! The potential for info lines to get crossed can happen! (I won’t get into the whole sending one of them to school in civvies (plain clothes) when it clearly wasn’t the day to do so). I mean it’s just logic. 

Long story short I duly sent my Son to school this morning is Sport uniform. 
BUT WAIT, there is more.
He then proceeded to have a near meltdown because I wanted to put his school tracksuit over said shorts and school tshirt (since it was cold this morning). “We can’t do that! I don’t want to get into trouble!” This ranting continued until I had to go and fetch that damn notice indicating that it may be worn in the event that it is cold. I showed him the notice and made HIM read it. He reads so well (insert proud mommy moment here)  
He then, and only then, agreed to wear it. By the time I got to work this morning I was dead. 

Anyone else have similar instances with their kid’s school? Would love to hear.

WTF 2015?!

Before you continue reading, please note, this post contains swear words (more than normal?). Because sometimes it just seems the most appropriate way to express something. And I swear, so you’re just going to have to deal. Ok? Ok. 😉

2015, I could throat punch you. Seriously though, what the hell? You were supposed to be a year of growth and bigger and better things? You have not lived up to what I expected. I do suppose it takes two to tango and its partially my fault. But, I would like to say, if I may, I ginormous Fuck You too. And that’s me being nice. 

Ok, so its October. 
Ok, so I let 9 months pass by without so much as a blog post. 
Ok, so maybe it didn’t bother me that much?
I thought about it. Honest.  But really? I just felt that I had nothing monumental to say? Or would it matter whether I said anything at all?
And as a matter of interest, how the fuck did it get to October anyway? Where on earth did all the other months fly too? It has been somewhat of a blur I have to admit. Or maybe my brain has just decided to have an extraordinary case of the “fuckits” from the bliss of having come out of my “dark fog” as I now refer to it. 

You see, I figured I was doing ok. I figured I could wean myself off the meds when I was ready (as instructed by my specialist) because I was doing ok. I misinterpreted this extraordinary case of the “fuckits”.  As of my last checkup at the end of September, it seems I might have been a tad hasty. I was being surrounded by that “dark fog” again. And I realized that I might have been a bit too hasty in getting myself off. I didn’t give it enough time. I didn’t give myself enough time. I wanted to be whole so quickly that I didn’t take the time to focus properly on doing that. I am now back on my medication and taking it one day at a time. And I will take as long as I need to get this done properly. No short cuts this time around.

June school holidays kicked my ass. My daughter stayed in hospital for over 6 days with an infection. Six whole days ladies and gentlemen!  I damn near lost my shit. But thankfully it turned out ok in the end. Before I had a complete fucking mental break. She is fine and bubbly as ever.

I started being a bit more social again (its how I have always been, and somehow over 10 years of kids and marriage I had lost it). I rediscovered good old friends and am glad to have them still with me after all this time. I had lost touch and they were kind enough to not give up on me. Good friends indeed. 

Besides the ups and downs so far this year, I’m looking ahead. Trying to be positive. Trying. Because at the moment that is all I am capable of doing.  I am not making any promises I can’t keep, not taking on more than I can handle. Just trying. And trying is better than nothing.

Its 2015…

And herewith is a breakdown of my 2014.

1) I discovered I was not just crazy
A monumental change in my life occurred in early 2014. I was diagnosed with a depressive disorder along with other minor issues. I was given validation that I wasnt just crazy and that thoughts and feelings and eventual body stress related illness was not just in my head. After being in denial so long (because me? depressed? NEEEVER), it was finally out there, and now I am on the road to recovery and a better outlook on life in general. I realised I have a husband and two kids. The dark cloud I was living under had finally given way to the light. It felt great to see clearly again.
Yes, some days are still hard, but I am managing better than I would have had I not been on medication. Its a slow progress, but one which is noticeable.

2) I got out of the hell hole
I think you all know that one of the catalysts which led to my eventual seeking of help was my job. In May 2014 I was successful in getting and starting another job in a new place. I am loving it. I now get to be closer to my kids and home and get to take them to school each morning. Its fantastic.

3) My kids are growing up
In 2014 my twins started Kindergarten (or Grade R as we call it here). In a matter of a month I noticed a complete change in them. My daughter started talking more (a lot more!) and my son also opened up a little more. They are growing so fast. Grade R was a huge success. In 2015 they move to Grade 1 (and yes, I shall cry once I see them in that uniform for the first time! Im not even ashamed to admit it). They will be in separate classes this year. I don’t mind. Its time they started to function individually as well. Its going to be an interesting year.

4) I almost didn’t become an aunt
My niece had a rough start to her life in 2014. At birth both her lungs collapsed (that’s a whole other story which I wont get into, but know that sometimes doctors are arseholes). Thank God for her pediatrician (who incidentally is also the twins pediatrician). He saved her life. You would never say that she went through that trauma 6 months on. I adore her. (I also claim she is my third child! lol)

5) I realised how fragile life really is
I will never forget the look in my cousin’s eyes at the loss of his son. Never.

6) I discovered vaping
And as a result I am cigarette free for 6 months already. Yay, me! I find I rather enjoy vaping. Such an awesome community of people too. Big thumbs up there.

7) Kids can get sick quickly
I have mentioned before about how germs picked up at school will still cause me to go completely insane and become mom to plastic bubble children. My daughter (as strangely the same in 2013), landed up in hospital for 4 days with a bacterial infection. It was a long four days. My child was sick. The sickest I’ve seen yet. Its heartbreaking. Its upsetting.
I’m trying not to be an over controlling germaphobe.

8) My house
I have been on a mission. I want to paint, and do shelving and declutter! Its slow, but it is actually going better than I thought it would. Granted, I started in the later part of 2014 with this mission, but I am carrying on with this into the New Year. I am trying to chronical some of that on my other blog. We’ll see how that goes.

2014 proved to be a challenging and yet successful year. It went quicker than I thought it would. I dont make resolutions for the New Year because I believe that if you want to do something you can start at any time you want to. The key is just to start. I wish you all a very prosperous New Year and may your dreams come true.
You can do it!!

My little gymnasts

At the beginning of the year, one of the extra activities the kids could partake in was Monkeynastics. Awesome little venture where kids learn hand and eye coordination, balance and more. I was a little hesitant at first, but today’s showcase proved how well my babies could cope.

They balanced and climbed and jumped to (almost) perfection. So proud of them. I was most hesitant with A in the beginning since he is rather skinny. Sometimes I forget skinny doesn’t necessarily mean fragile. He did really well.

They received little medals and still had time to pose with the Monkeynastics mascots. It didn’t freak them out either. 😉


A and N pretty pretty proud of themselves

Don’t ask me what those looks are. A is going with a “blue steel” and N has her “know it all” look going for her.

They grow up so fast…..

Time flying by, but Im not all that lost…

I somehow have no idea how it got to November already. The year of 2014 is coming to an end and all my brain can think of is: “didn’t we just go into January 2014?”. Luckily for me, its not alot of “fog brain” compared to last year.
This is not going to be a “summing up of the year” kind of post. That comes way later. But I really just wanted to highlight that it really has flown by.

And along with it being November comes the most important month of the year. Well, to the twins at least. They will be turning 6 this month. Obviously the chatter in the house has been what they want for their birthday. Non stop. We’ve taken note of the occasional ramblings. 😉
And yes, I said 6. That’s a whole hand and one finger old. That is closer to 10. As you can tell, to grasp the concept is a little hard for me. It is again like the year, time has just flown by. My “little babies” are going to Grade 1 next year and that is just great. I will deal with that “mommy emotional issues” when I get there 😉 (I first gotta make it through the Christmas season in one piece)

I have also recently had some kind of epiphany to “re-do” the house. You know, paint, scrape and more paint, rearrange, de-clutter and the possibility of building on a new playroom/work room for the kids. Yes, I know, it seems daunting. But I am determined to make this happen. One way or another. There is so much to do, but each task will be taken one step at a time. Currently we are busy repainting the outside of the house.

I will be chronicling those trials and tribulations on my latest blog: A Little More Fluff I named it this purely because it is not based on the goings on of family and work etc. Its more décor, diy, vaping etc based. Its up and running currently so please pop on by and have a look. I also have another blog focused more on beauty, fashion, nails etc. etc. I Blog Beauty n Stuff has been up for a while. So if you haven’t gone round, it would be great if you could let me know your thoughts. And obviously I shall still be blogging on here, so don’t think this blog is going anywhere!

As always, thanks for stopping by lovelies